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  • Clinical/ Developmental psychology articles and chapters
    Gilligan, C., Rogers, A., and Noel, N. (2018). Cartography of a lost time. In (Eds) N. Way, A. Ali & C. Gilligan), The Crisis of Connection: Roots, Consequences and Solutions, pp 65-87. NY: New York University Press. Rogers, A. (2014). Chapter 20: Interpretive Poetics. In Key Thinkers in Childhood Studies, Carmel Smith and Sheila Greene, (Eds), University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL. Rogers, A. (2007). The unsayable, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and the art of narrative interviewing. In Handbook of Narrative Inquiry Methodologies (Ed.) J. Clanindin. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Rogers, A. (2004). Interviewing children using an interpretive poetics. In S. Greene and D. Hogan (Eds.) Researching children’s experiences: Approaches and methods, 158-174. London: Sage. Rogers, A. (2003). Qualitative research in psychology: Teaching an interpretive process. In Josselson, R. & Lieblich, A. (Eds.) Up close and personal: The teaching and learning of narrative research. Washington DC: American Psychological Association, 49-60. Rogers, A. (2002). Qualitative research methods in psychology: Teaching an interpretive process. In Josselson, R. & Lieblich, A. (Eds.) The Narrative Study of Lives. Rogers, A. (2000). When methods matter: Qualitative research issues in psychology. Harvard Educational Review, 71, (1), 75-85. Rogers, A. (2000). Exiled stories and cultural denial. Irish Journal of Women's Studies, Volume IV (1), 31-55, Cork: Cork University Press, Ireland. Rogers, A., Casey, M., Holland, J., Ekert, J., Nakkula, V., & Sheinberg, N. (1999). An interpretive poetics: Languages of the unsayable. In Josselson, R. & Lieblich, A. (Eds.) The Narrative Study of Lives, 6, 77-106. Chicago, IL: Sage. Rogers, A. (1998). In the "I" of madness: Shifting Subjectiveness in The Yellow Wallpaper. In J. Fisher & E. Silber (Eds.), Analyzing the different voice: Feminist psychological theory and literary texts, NY: Rowman & Littlefield, Inc., 45-66. Rogers, A. (1997). Developmental research on trauma as an intervention in children's lives. In Vanderven, K. (Ed.) Journal of Child and Youth Care Work. Rogers, A. (1998). Understanding changes in girls' relationships and in ego development: Three studies of adolescent girls. In Blasi, A., Cohn, L., & Westenberg, M. (Eds.). Character Development: On the Contributions of Jane Loevinger's Ego Development Theory. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: New York. Rogers, A. (1996). Puzzles, paradoxes and challenges: Designing programs to prevent self-injury for adolescent girls. In R. Vries (Ed.), Gender, Culture and Sexuality: Exemplary Studies, Vol. I, Iowa City, Iowa University Press, 149-171. Rogers, A., Brown, L., & Tappan, M. (1993). Interpreting loss in ego development in girls: Regression or resistance? In R. Josselson & A. Lieblich (Eds.), The Narrative Study of Lives, Volume 2. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Gilligan, C., & Rogers, A. (1993). A paradigm shift in psychology: Reframing mothering and daughtering. In J. Van Mens-Verhulst (Ed.), “Daughtering" and Mothering. New York: Routledge. Rogers, A. (1993). Voice, play and a practice of ordinary courage in girls' and women's lives. Harvard Educational Review, 63(3), 265-295. Rogers, A. (1992). Marguerite Sechehaye and Renee: A feminist reading of two accounts of a treatment. Qualitative Studies in Education, 5(3), 245-251. Gilligan, C., Rogers, A., & Tolman, D. (Eds.). (1991). Women, girls and psychotherapy: Reframing Resistance. New York: Haworth Press. Gilligan, C., Rogers, A., & Brown, L. (1990). Soundings: Into development. In C. Gilligan, N. Lyons, & T. Hanmer (Eds.), Making connections: The relational worlds of adolescent girls at Emma Willard School, 314-334. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Gilligan, C., Brown, L., & Rogers, A. (1990). Psyche embedded: A place for body, relationships, and culture in personality theory. In A. Rabin, R. Zucker, & S. Frank (Eds.), Studying persons and lives, 86-147. New York: Springer.
  • Psychoanalytic articles and chapters
    Rogers, A. (2024). A Poetics of the Drive: Freud, Lacan, Moths and Poetry. In Critical Essays on the Drive: Lacanian Theory and Practice (Eds. Dan Collins and Eve Watson). Oxfordshire, England: Routledge. Rogers, A. (2023). Preface. Precarities of 21st Century Childhoods: Critical Explorations of Time(s), Place(s), and Identities, (Eds) M. O’Loughlin, C. Owens, and L. Rothschild. London: Lexington Books. Rogers, A. (2022). Incanbescent Alquadets: Errant Language Poetics. In Psychoanalytische Perspectieven,Vol. 40 (4) Lacan, Clinic and Culture. Rogers, A. (2022). Reply to Emma Lieber’s The Writing Cure. In Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. Published online Rogers, A. (2021). Writing Psychoanalysis? In Self, Context, Society (Ed. Suzi Naiberg), London: Taylor and Francis. Rogers, A. (2020). Becoming an Analyst: Après-coup, Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 40:2, 90-99, Original Article Rogers, A. (2017). The Father of the Name: A child’s analysis through the last teachings of Lacan. In Lacanian Psychoanalysis with Babies, Children and Adolescents, C. Owens and S. Farrelly (Eds). London: Karnac Books. Rogers, A. (2015). The child’s desire and the analyst’s act: A retrospective case study. In The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 102 (5). New York: Gilford. Rogers, A. (2009). A place for Lacan in Critical Psychology: Four memos and a gap. Annual Review of Critical Psychology, Vol 7, 5-15. Rogers, A. (2009). Origins: Lost Traces. Ploughshares, Vol. 35 (2), Boston: Emerson College, 129-133. Rogers, A. (2007). Claudel and Rodin: Toward a Lacanian Poetics. In Josselson, R. & Lieblich, A. (Eds.) The Narrative Study of Lives: The Meaning of Others. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Books.
  • Books
    Rogers, A. (2024). After Words: A Novel. London, New York: Austin-Macauley. Rogers, A. (2016). Incandescent Alphabets: Psychosis and the Enigma of Language. London: Karnac Books. Rogers, A. (2006). The Unsayable: The Hidden Language of Trauma. NY: Random House. Rogers, A., Editor (2004). Charlie’s chasing the sheep: Stories from Lismore and Mitchelstown. Lismore Books, Lismore, Ireland. Rogers, A. (1995). A Shining Affliction: A Story of Harm and Healing in Psychotherapy. New York: Viking/Penguin Books.


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